Trailer Parts And Accessories
We carry a wide variety of parts & accessories for trailers, such as wheel chocks, alloy wheels, brake shoes, and Hitches. Our service department installs gooseneck hitches & brake controllers.
We Offer upgrades to Aluminum Wheels. Here are some that we usually keep on stock.
Wheel #1
Wheel #3
Wheel #4
Wheel #5
Metzler Trailer Parts, Also has Diamond Plate or Poly Tongue Boxes
PRIMUS™, a totally proportional electric trailer brake control. Primus utilizes the primary sensor technology from Prodigy and features the Tekonsha® one step "Point and Go" set-up system. Easy-to-set systems allows the driver maximum flexibility when determining how the trailer should respond to a braking event. Snap-in dash mounting clip and removable electrical connector allow unit to be quickly stored when not in use. You will appreciate the digital readout depicting a secure electrical connection and the amount of voltage delivery to the trailer brakes.
PRODIGY® is the most advanced and intelligent approach to trailer brake controls. Requiring no manual leveling, is a technological breakthrough among inertia-activated brake controls. Equipped with a self-adjusting sensing device similar to the one used in guided-missile technology to allow for easy, flexible installation — from nearly horizontal to nearly vertical. Constantly adjusts itself to the position of the tow vehicle.
1200 lb recessed D-Rings. We also keep top mounts.
5000 lb recessed D-Rings
E-Trak in up to 10ft sticks
We carry many colors & length's of straps for your car or motorcycle
The B&W Tow & Stow Receiver Hitch is a revolutionary ball mount that is not only the most versatile on the market, but also the safest. The Tow & Stow allows you to keep it attached to your vehicle at all times, plus keep it out of the way with its patented stow-away design. Its innovated design allows the ball mount to stow underneath the vehicle to help prevent getting bruised shins and broken garage doors. The Tow & Stow has up to a Class IV rating so you can tow almost anything worry free.
The Turnover Ball is an easily-installed, complete gooseneck hitch that bolts to the frame of your truck using existing holes. The Turnover Ball comes with a removable 2 5/16" ball, and is rated for 30,000 lbs. towing and 7,500 lbs. tongue weight capacity. The ball stores upside down in the socket when not in use, leaving a flat, unobstructed bed floor.
These kits make track installation a breeze. The track is already cut, drilled, and countersunk. We even provide stainless steel attachment hardware. Works like E-Trak only prettier

Macs Wedge is a universal motorcycle wheel chock complete with mounting hardware.
This is a high quality wheel chock but not the price of the cradle style
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